how to use the zip function from the rxjs library in javascript

The zip() function from the RxJS library combines multiple observables into a new observable, by emitting an array of values from each input observable at their corresponding index. The resulting observable only emits as many times as the shortest input observable.

Here's an example of how to use zip() in JavaScript:

import { zip } from 'rxjs';

const observable1 = from([1, 2, 3, 4]);
const observable2 = from(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']);

const combinedObservable = zip(observable1, observable2);

combinedObservable.subscribe(([num, letter]) => {
  console.log(num, letter);
// Output:
// 1, 'a'
// 2, 'b'
// 3, 'c'
// 4, 'd'
310 chars
16 lines

In the above example, we import the zip() function from the 'rxjs' library, and create two observables - observable1 and observable2. We then use the zip() function to combine these two observables into a new observable called combinedObservable. Finally, we subscribe to combinedObservable to log each emitted value to the console.

Note that zip() can also take more than two observables as input arguments, separated by commas.

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