input field in svelte in javascript

To create an input field in Svelte using JavaScript, you first need to use the bind:value directive to create a two-way binding between the input field and a variable in your component's script.

In your component's script, define a variable to hold the input's value:

let inputValue = '';
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Then, in your component's template, create an input field and bind its value to the inputValue variable:

<input type="text" bind:value={inputValue}>
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You can also add event handlers to the input field like so:

<input type="text" bind:value={inputValue} on:input={handleInput}>
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In this example, handleInput is a function defined in your component's script that will be called every time the input's value changes.

function handleInput(event) {
  inputValue =;
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This function updates the inputValue variable with the current value of the input field every time the user types a character. This way, the input field and the inputValue variable stay in sync.

You can see a complete example of adding an input field to a Svelte component in this CodeSandbox:

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