javascript and matlab in javascript

To use MATLAB in JavaScript, you can use the MathWorks MATLAB Engine API for Node.js, which allows you to interact with MATLAB from JavaScript code running in Node.js.

Here's an example of how to use the MATLAB Engine API in Node.js:

const matlab = require('mathworks-matlab-mock');
const engine = matlab.engine();

async function runMatlabScript() {
  await engine.evalAsync('x = [1, 2, 3];');
  const y = await engine.evalAsync('x * 2;');
  console.log(y); // output: [2, 4, 6]

  .finally(() => engine.quit());
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13 lines

In this example, we import the MATLAB mock API, create a new MATLAB Engine instance, and use the evalAsync() method to evaluate MATLAB code asynchronously. The results are then retrieved using another call to evalAsync() and logged to the console.

Note that to use the MATLAB Engine API, you'll need to have MATLAB installed on the same machine as Node.js. Also, the MATLAB code you write must be transpiled to JavaScript before it can be executed in a browser. The math.js library is a useful JavaScript library for mathematical operations that can be used in place of MATLAB.

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