jungle jungle jungle jungle in javascript

Here's an example of how to "jungle jungle jungle jungle" in JavaScript using a function with recursion and conditional statements:

function jungle(num) {
  if(num <= 0) {
    return "";
  } else if(num == 1) {
    return "jungle";
  } else {
    return "jungle " + jungle(num-1);

console.log(jungle(4)); // outputs "jungle jungle jungle jungle"
221 chars
12 lines

In this code, the jungle function takes a parameter num which represents the number of times we want to say "jungle".

The function first checks if num is less than or equal to 0; if so, it returns an empty string, effectively stopping the recursion.

If num is equal to 1, it returns the string "jungle".

If num is greater than 1, it uses recursion by calling itself with num-1, and adding "jungle" to the beginning of the result.

Finally, when we call jungle(4) and log the result to the console, we see that the function outputs "jungle jungle jungle jungle", as expected.

gistlibby LogSnag