metric flashcards in javascript

To metric flashcards in Javascript, you'll need to begin by creating an array that contains objects for each of the flashcards. Each object in the array represents a single card and should contain the question, answer, and any other relevant information.

let flashcards = [
  { question: "What is a kilogram?", answer: "A kilogram is the base unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI)" },
  { question: "What is a meter?", answer: "A meter is the base unit of length in the International System of Units (SI)" },
  { question: "What is a liter?", answer: "A liter is the base unit of volume in the International System of Units (SI)" }
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After building the array of flashcards, you can create a function to randomly shuffle the array and select a specific number of cards for the quiz. Here's an example function that randomly selects 5 cards from the array:

function selectCards() {
  let shuffledCards = flashcards.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5); // Shuffle the array randomly
  return shuffledCards.slice(0, 5); // Return the first 5 cards from the shuffled array
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Finally, you can create a function to present the quiz to the user. Here's an example function that displays the question for each card and allows the user to enter their answer:

function presentQuiz() {
  let selectedCards = selectCards(); // Select 5 random cards from the flashcards array
  let score = 0; // Keep track of the user's score
  // Loop through each of the selected cards
  for (let i = 0; i < selectedCards.length; i++) {
    let answer = prompt(selectedCards[i].question); // Display the question and save the user's answer
    if (answer.toLowerCase() === selectedCards[i].answer.toLowerCase()) {
      // If the user's answer matches the correct answer, increment their score and display a success message
      console.log(`Correct! Your score is ${score}.`);
    } else {
      // If the user's answer is incorrect, display a failure message
      console.log(`Sorry, the correct answer was "${selectedCards[i].answer}". Your score is ${score}.`);
  // Display the user's final score once the quiz is complete
  console.log(`Quiz complete! Your final score is ${score} out of ${selectedCards.length}.`);
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This is just a basic example of how to metric flashcards in Javascript. You can customize the functions and array to fit your specific needs and create a more elaborate quiz with additional features.

gistlibby LogSnag