next js in javascript

To get started with Next.js, you'll need to create a new project using create-next-app which is a command line utility that sets up a new Next.js project with a default configuration.

npx create-next-app my-app
cd my-app
npm run dev
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This will create a new project in a directory called my-app, install the necessary dependencies, and start a development server. You can then open your browser to http://localhost:3000 to see the default Next.js landing page.

From here, you can start building your application by creating new pages in the pages/ directory, adding components in the components/ directory, and using the built-in routing and data fetching functionality provided by Next.js.

Next.js also has many other features, such as automatic code splitting, built-in CSS support, and server-side rendering, that you can leverage to build scalable and performant applications.

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