ocr in javascript

To perform OCR in JavaScript, we can use the Tesseract.js library which provides a JavaScript wrapper around the Tesseract OCR engine. Here's a basic example:

First, include the Tesseract.js library in your HTML file:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/tesseract.js@2.1.4/dist/tesseract.min.js"></script>
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Then, create a script to perform OCR:

// Load image using Image constructor
const image = new Image();
image.src = 'path/to/image.png';

// Function to perform OCR
const doOCR = async () => {
  // Load Tesseract.js with English language
  await Tesseract.load({ lang: 'eng' });
  // Pre-process image (if necessary)
  const result = await Tesseract.recognize(image, { 
    // Add pre-processing options here (e.g. binarization)

  // Output OCR result

// Call the function
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In the example above, we first load the image using the Image constructor. Then, we define a function doOCR to perform OCR using Tesseract.js. Within the function, we use Tesseract.load to load the engine with the English language. We also have the option to pre-process the image using various options specified in the Tesseract.recognize function.

Once OCR is complete, the result is returned as an object. We can extract the recognized text using result.text.

Note that performing OCR in JavaScript may not be as accurate as using a dedicated OCR engine due to performance limitations and browser restrictions.

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