qna section in javascript

To create a Q&A section in JavaScript, you can use an array of objects to store the questions and answers. Each object should have a "question" and an "answer" property.

const qna = [
    question: "What is JavaScript?",
    answer: "JavaScript is a programming language used to build interactive web applications."
    question: "What are some of the features of JavaScript?",
    answer: "JavaScript has features such as object-oriented programming, functional programming, and event-driven programming."
    question: "What is the difference between let and var in JavaScript?",
    answer: "The main difference is that let has block scope while var has function scope."
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Next, you can create a function to display the Q&A section on your webpage. This function can loop through the array of objects and create HTML elements to display each question and answer.

function displayQnA() {
  const qnaContainer = document.querySelector(".qna-container");

  qna.forEach(item => {
    const question = document.createElement("h2");
    question.textContent = item.question;

    const answer = document.createElement("p");
    answer.textContent = item.answer;

    const qnA = document.createElement("div");

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Lastly, you can call the displayQnA function to render the Q&A section on your webpage.

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Make sure to add some CSS to make your Q&A section look good, and you're set!

gistlibby LogSnag