refactor this events.orderby(x => x.start) .select(x => .distinct() .take(20); in javascript

Assuming that you have an array of events and each event has a start property, you can refactor the code as follows to achieve the same result:

events.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start) // sort by start date
    .map((x) => x.start.toISOString().split("T")[0]) // map to date string
    .filter((val, index, arr) => arr.indexOf(val) === index) // remove duplicates
    .slice(0, 20); // take first 20 elements
265 chars
5 lines


  1. The sort method sorts the events array by start date using a compare function that compares a.start and b.start.
  2. The map method maps each event date to a string representation of the date using toISOString and split methods.
  3. The filter method filters out duplicates in the array by comparing the current value with the first index of the value using the indexOf method.
  4. The slice method returns the first 20 elements of the resulting array.

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