search for duplicate events in splunk in javascript

To search for duplicate events in Splunk using JavaScript, we can employ regex patterns to identify any identical events that appear more than once in our search results. This can be done using the .match() method and a grouping regex pattern.

Here's the code to accomplish this task:

// First, perform your search in Splunk using the SDK or REST API
// (omitted here for brevity)

// Retrieve the results and store them in an array
let resultsArray = searchResults.rows; 

// Create a new array to store the duplicate event objects
let duplicatesArray = [];

// Loop through the `resultsArray` and perform the following steps
for (let i=0; i < resultsArray.length; i++) {

    // Create a regex pattern to identify the event type and contents
    let pattern = new RegExp("^\\[\\d{4}\\/\\d{2}\\/\\d{2}.*?\\] (.*)(?=[\\r\\n\\[\\d{4}\\/])", "gm");
    // Use the `.match()` method to get all matches for each event
    let currentEventMatches = resultsArray[i][0].match(pattern); 
    // Compare whether the current event matches a previous event object
    let isDuplicate = duplicatesArray.some((eventObj) => eventObj.matches.join(',') === currentEventMatches.join(',')); 
    // If the event is a duplicate, add the event object to `duplicatesArray`
    // Otherwise, add the event matches to a new event object and continue
    if (isDuplicate) {
            matches: currentEventMatches,
            _raw: resultsArray[i][0]
1211 chars
31 lines

In this code example, we start by retrieving the search results from Splunk and putting them into an array called resultsArray. We then define a new regex pattern using RegExp() to identify each event by its contents. We use the .match() method to generate an array of matches for each event object in resultsArray.

Next, we loop through resultsArray and compare each event's matches to previous events in the duplicatesArray. We use .some() to check if the current event matches any previous events. If it does, we add it to duplicatesArray, which will contain all event objects that appear more than once. Otherwise, we create a new event object with the current event matches and add it to duplicatesArray.

Note that this regex pattern is just one example, and should be adjusted based on your specific event data. Additionally, you may want to add console logs to track the progress of the loop and identify any errors that arise.

gistlibby LogSnag