show polling logic in javascript in javascript

One possible way of implementing a polling logic in JavaScript is by using setInterval(). This function takes two parameters: a callback function and a delay time in milliseconds. The callback function will be executed repeatedly after the specified delay time. Here's an example of how to use setInterval() for polling data from an API:

function getData() {
  // Make an asynchronous API request to get the data
  // ...
  // When the data is returned, do something with it

// Poll for data every 5 seconds
const intervalId = setInterval(getData, 5000);

// To stop the polling, use clearInterval(intervalId);
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In this example, the getData() function makes an asynchronous API request to get the data. The setInterval() function is called and passed the getData() function and a delay time of 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds). This means that the getData() function will be executed every 5 seconds to fetch new data from the API.

Note that using setInterval() for polling can be inefficient if the API response time takes longer than the polling interval. In such cases, it's better to use other techniques like setTimeout() or WebSocket.

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