split string with delimiters in javascript

To split a string into an array of substrings based on a delimiter using JavaScript, you can use the split() method.

const myString = "Hello,how,are,you?";
const delimiter = ",";
const myArray = myString.split(delimiter);

console.log(myArray); // ["Hello", "how", "are", "you?"]
163 chars
6 lines

In the above code, myString is the string that needs to be split, delimiter is the character or string that will be used as the separator, and myArray is the resulting array after the split.

The split() method returns an array of strings, where each element of the array corresponds to a substring between the delimiter. In the above example, the delimiter used is a comma ,, and myString is split into four substrings based on the delimiter.

Note that if the delimiter is not found in the string, the split() method returns an array with a single element, which is the original string.

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