take a look at the first clue returned. in what tag is the answer given? hint: it has a class "correct_response" in javascript

To view the first clue returned by a web page and access its answer, first, we need to locate the HTML element that holds the clue. We can use JavaScript and the DOM (Document Object Model) to accomplish this.

One way to do this is to search for the HTML element that contains the "correct_response" class. We can then access the contents of this element to retrieve the answer. We can accomplish this by using the querySelector() method to search for the element with a specific class, and then accessing its innerHTML property to retrieve its contents.

Here's what the code might look like:

// Find the element with the "correct_response" class
const clueElement = document.querySelector('.correct_response');

// Retrieve the contents of the element
const clue = clueElement.innerHTML;

// Log the first clue to the console
253 chars
9 lines

In this code, querySelector('.correct_response') is used to find the first HTML element that has the class correct_response. This element should contain the answer to the first clue. The innerHTML property is then used to access the contents of this element, which should be the answer to the first clue.

The answer to the first clue is contained within the HTML element with class "correct_response".

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