write the matlab command that counts the number of missing values represented in javascript

In MATLAB, the NaN (Not-a-Number) value can represent a missing value. To count the number of missing values represented in JavaScript, you can convert the JavaScript array into a MATLAB array, replace the missing values with NaN, and use the sum function to count the number of NaN values.

Here's an example MATLAB command that demonstrates this approach:

% JavaScript array
js_array = [1, 2, null, 4, undefined, 6, NaN];

% Convert to MATLAB array and replace missing values with NaN
mat_array = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x) double(x), num2cell(js_array), 'UniformOutput', false));
mat_array(mat_array == 0) = NaN;

% Count the number of NaN values
num_missing = sum(isnan(mat_array));
324 chars
10 lines

In this example, the js_array variable represents a JavaScript array that contains missing values. The cellfun function is used to convert the JavaScript values to MATLAB double values, and the cell2mat function is used to convert the resulting cell array to a numeric array. The missing values (represented by null, undefined, and 0) are replaced with NaN using logical indexing, and the sum function is used to count the number of NaN values. The resulting count is stored in the num_missing variable.

gistlibby LogSnag