To draw a 3D cube in PHP, we need to use graphics libraries that allow us to plot points in 3D space and connect them to form a cube. One popular library for this purpose is OpenCV-PHP.
// Import the OpenCV-PHP library
require 'opencv-php/opencv.php';
// Create a new canvas object
$image = new \Bramus\Ansi\Ansi();
// Define the dimensions of the cube
$size = 200;
// Define the coordinates of the cube's vertices
$vertices = array(
array(0, 0, 0),
array($size, 0, 0),
array($size, $size, 0),
array(0, $size, 0),
array(0, 0, $size),
array($size, 0, $size),
array($size, $size, $size),
array(0, $size, $size)
// Define the edges that connect the vertices
$edges = array(
array(0, 1),
array(1, 2),
array(2, 3),
array(3, 0),
array(4, 5),
array(5, 6),
array(6, 7),
array(7, 4),
array(0, 4),
array(1, 5),
array(2, 6),
array(3, 7)
// Loop through each edge and plot it on the canvas
foreach ($edges as $edge) {
$start = $vertices[$edge[0]];
$end = $vertices[$edge[1]];
$image->line3D($start[0], $start[1], $start[2], $end[0], $end[1], $end[2], 'white');
// Output the image to the browser
echo $image->output();
This code defines the dimensions and vertices of the cube, and then loops through each edge to plot it on the canvas. The resulting image can be output to the browser. Note that this code requires the OpenCV-PHP library to be installed on the server.