поставить на паузу скрипт пока нажат капслок in python

To put a Python script on hold until the Caps Lock key is pressed, you can use the keyboard module to listen for keyboard events. Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates how to pause a script until the Caps Lock key is pressed:

import keyboard

while True:
    if keyboard.is_pressed('caps lock'):
        print('Caps Lock key pressed')
        # do other stuff while waiting for Caps Lock key press
209 chars
10 lines

In this code, the keyboard.is_pressed() function is used to check if the Caps Lock key is currently being pressed. The while loop continues to run until the Caps Lock key is pressed, at which point the loop is exited and the script continues with whatever code follows the loop. You can replace the print() statement with any other code you want to run when the Caps Lock key is pressed.

gistlibby LogSnag