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create a login page with the username test and the password 123 in python
create a md5 hash from a string in python
create a password in python
create a password and store it in a file in python
create a password generator in python
create a password with a custom length and uppercase letters in python
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create a password with uppercase letters and lowercase letters in python
create a password with uppercase, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols in python
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create a sha1 hash from a string in python
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create a usb flash drive into a usb security key in python
create an insecure code in python
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encrypt a file with aes-256 using a password in python
generate access token using crypto library in python
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hash password in python
hash password with secret in python
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jwt token in python
keylogger persistence in python
make a password-cracking tool in python
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parse jwt tokens in python
recursively encrypt the hard drive in python
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secure random generator in python
simple keylogger on pure python in python
by LogSnag