strings code snippets in python

a slice of a string, tuple, or list is: in python
add two string to a file separated by a tab in python
append a string to the end of another string in python
build a matrix from the length of tow strings in python
change the name of an object based on condition in python
check if binary number is palindrome in python
count characters in a string in python
count of occurances of string in file in python
create a matrix in numpy from the length of two strings in python
create a password with a custom length and uppercase letters in python
create a password with numbers in python
create a password with uppercase letters and lowercase letters in python
create a password with uppercase, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols in python
create a string of values separated by commas from values from a list in python
find a substring in a string in python
find all symbols before . in string in python
find best match between strings and sub string in python
find common prefix in a list of words in python
find ipv6 addresses in a string using regex in python
find the kth index of a character in a string in python
find the name of a json file in python
find the thirteen adjacent digits in the 1000-digit number that have the greatest product. what is the value of this product? in python
for loop to create list of strings in python
generate a password of 8 characters that contains at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number in python
how to remove space from end of string in python
i am stupid in python
insert a string into another string at a specific index in python
japanese latters green rain in python
join an array of characters into a string in python
join an array of substrings into a string in python
join two strings in python
loop through array and add items to string if index is not 1 in python
parse an array of strings in python
print a christmas tree in python
remove element from list of strings in python
replace a char in string with another in python
replace the word "dog" with the word "cat" in the following sentence: "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." in python
save every string char and then print whole of them in python
say shut up in python
shuffle a string in python
split a string into an array of words in python
split a string into two strings in python
take first name and last name, create email address in the format in python
the program receives one line as input, which outputs the message "digit" (without quotes) if the string contains a digit. otherwise, print the message "there are no numbers" (without quotes). in python
wordle game in python
записать букву из цикла и затем вывести на экран слово целиком in python
определить сколько в строке одинаковых соседних символов in python

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