convert clock to integer in python

To convert clock time in string format to integer format in Python, we can use the datetime.strptime() function to convert the string to a datetime object, and then extract the hour and minute values using the hour and minute attributes of the datetime object. Finally, we can compute the integer representation of the clock time by multiplying the hour by 100 and adding the minute value. Here's an example code snippet:
from datetime import datetime

# example clock time in string format
clock_time_str = "02:30"

# convert string to datetime object
clock_time_obj = datetime.strptime(clock_time_str, '%H:%M')

# extract hour and minute values
hour = clock_time_obj.hour
minute = clock_time_obj.minute

# compute integer representation of clock time
clock_time_int = hour * 100 + minute

print(clock_time_int)  # output: 230
406 chars
17 lines

In the above code, we first import the datetime class from the datetime module. We then define an example clock time as a string variable clock_time_str.

Next, we use the strptime() function to convert the string to a datetime object, where the %H:%M format string specifies that the input string represents a clock time in the "hour:minute" format.

We then extract the hour and minute attributes from the datetime object, and compute the integer representation of the clock time by multiplying the hour value by 100 and adding the minute value. The resulting integer is stored in the clock_time_int variable.

Finally, we print the resulting integer value to the console.

gistlibby LogSnag