convert pdf to excel in python

To convert a PDF file to an Excel file using Python, you can use a library called tabula. Tabula is a simple Python wrapper for the Java library of the same name. Here is a step-by-step guide:

  1. Install the required libraries using pip:
pip install tabula-py pandas
29 chars
2 lines
  1. Import the necessary modules:
import tabula
import pandas as pd
34 chars
3 lines
  1. Use the read_pdf() function from tabula to read the PDF into a DataFrame:
df = tabula.read_pdf("path/to/file.pdf", pages="all")
54 chars
2 lines

Note that you can specify the pages you want to read by passing a string or list of integers to the pages parameter.

  1. Save the DataFrame to an Excel file using pandas:
df.to_excel("path/to/output.xlsx", index=False)
48 chars
2 lines

Again, you can specify the index parameter to exclude the index from being written to the Excel file.

Here is the complete code:
import tabula
import pandas as pd

# read PDF into DataFrame
df = tabula.read_pdf("path/to/file.pdf", pages="all")

# save DataFrame to Excel file
df.to_excel("path/to/output.xlsx", index=False)
195 chars
9 lines

Note that tabula may not work with all PDF files, especially those with complex layouts or non-standard text encodings.

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