create a turn based rpg displaying in the pygame window in python

To create a turn-based RPG that is displayed in a Pygame window in Python, here are the general steps:

  1. Set up the Pygame window by importing Pygame and initializing it with pygame.init(). Then, create a surface for the window using pygame.display.set_mode().
import pygame

width, height = 800, 600
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
104 chars
6 lines
  1. Plan out the game mechanics, including turn order and actions that the player can take. Create classes for the player, enemies, and other game objects as needed.

  2. Load and display graphics for the game elements. You can use Pygame's pygame.image.load() function to load image files and the blit() function to draw them onto the screen surface.

  3. Create a game loop that continues while the player is playing. Inside the loop, check for Pygame events such as key presses and mouse clicks, and update the game state accordingly.

  4. Implement the turn-based gameplay. Keep track of which entity's turn it is and allow that entity to take its turn, followed by the next entity in turn order. Once all entities have taken their turn, loop back to the beginning.

Here is some sample code for the game loop and turn-based gameplay logic:
# game loop
running = True
while running:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            running = False

    # update game state
    # ...

    # draw game elements to screen
    # ...


    # implement turn-based gameplay
    for entity in entities:
        if not entity.is_dead:
380 chars
20 lines

In this example, entities is a list containing all game objects that can take a turn (including both the player and enemies), and take_turn() is a method on each entity that allows it to perform its turn-based actions.

You can expand on this basic structure to create a fully-functional turn-based RPG game.

gistlibby LogSnag