define a function to create a eulerian cycle in python

Here's one way to define a Python function to create an Eulerian cycle in a graph:
def eulerian_cycle(graph):
    This function takes a graph represented as a dictionary
    and returns an Eulerian cycle if one exists.
    cycle = []  # initialize the cycle to be empty
    stack = []  # initialize the stack to be empty
    # choose any vertex as the starting point
    start_vertex = list(graph.keys())[0]  
    # add the first vertex to the stack
    while stack:
        current_vertex = stack[-1]
        # if there are no more edges from current vertex
        # remove it from the stack and add it to the cycle
        if not graph[current_vertex]:
        # otherwise, visit the next vertex on the path
            next_vertex = graph[current_vertex].pop()
    # finally, reverse the cycle to get a valid Eulerian cycle
    # check that every edge is visited
    for vertex in graph:
        if graph[vertex]:
            return None
    return cycle  # return Eulerian cycle
1110 chars
37 lines


The input graph is represented as a dictionary where the keys represent the vertices and the values represent the edges.

The function initializes an empty cycle list and a stack list with the first vertex of the graph. It then enters a loop where it adds vertices to the stack until it reaches a dead end, meaning there are no more edges to visit from the current vertex. At this point, it pops the current vertex from the stack and appends it to the cycle. If there are still edges to follow, it continues to the next vertex.

Once all vertices have been visited, the code reverses the cycle to obtain a valid Eulerian cycle by starting and ending with the same vertex. Finally, the function checks that all edges have been visited and returns the cycle if it is valid, or None if there is no Eulerian cycle.

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