download json from web and decode it in python

To download JSON data from a web API through Python, we can use the urllib.request library. Then we can use the built-in json library of Python to decode the data from JSON format to Python.

Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates how to download JSON data from a URL and decode it in Python:
import urllib.request
import json

url = ''    # Replace with actual URL
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)      # Open URL
data =                      # Read data
json_data = json.loads(data)                 # Decode JSON data
print(json_data)                             # Use the data as required
353 chars
9 lines

In the above code snippet, we're first specifying the URL from which we intend to download JSON data. We're then using the urllib.request.urlopen method to establish a connection with the web URL and then using the read method to read the data returned by the web server.

The json.loads method is then used to decode the JSON data obtained from the web server into a Python object. Once we've obtained the decoded data, we can use it as required in our Python program.

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