edit raw image data in c in python

To edit raw image data in C or Python, you need to follow these basic steps:

  1. Read the raw image file
  2. Parse the header and extract image data information
  3. Allocate memory for image data using the extracted information
  4. Read the image data into the allocated memory
  5. Edit the image data as needed
  6. Write the edited image data back to a new raw image file

For this example, let's assume we have a raw image file called "image.raw" with the following characteristics:

  • Width: 640 pixels
  • Height: 480 pixels
  • Bit depth: 8 bits per pixel
  • Pixel ordering: RGB

Here is how you can write a C program to edit the image data:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {

   // Open the raw image file for reading
   FILE* f = fopen("image.raw", "rb");

   // Parse the header and extract image data information
   int width = 640;
   int height = 480;
   int bpp = 3; // 3 bytes (24 bits) per pixel

   // Allocate memory for image data using the extracted information
   unsigned char* data = (unsigned char*) malloc(width * height * bpp);

   // Read the image data into the allocated memory
   fread(data, sizeof(unsigned char), width * height * bpp, f);

   // Edit the image data as needed
   for (int i = 0; i < width * height * bpp; i += bpp) {
      // Modify the RGB values in the image data
      data[i] = 255 - data[i]; // Red channel
      data[i + 1] = 255 - data[i + 1]; // Green channel
      data[i + 2] = 255 - data[i + 2]; // Blue channel

   // Close the raw image file

   // Open a new raw image file for writing
   FILE* f_new = fopen("image_edited.raw", "wb");

   // Write the edited image data to the new file
   fwrite(data, sizeof(unsigned char), width * height * bpp, f_new);

   // Close the new raw image file

   // Free the allocated memory

   return 0;
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Alternatively, here is a Python script that edits the same raw image file:

import numpy as np

# Read the raw image file
with open('image.raw', 'rb') as f:
   # Parse the header and extract image data information
   width = 640
   height = 480
   bpp = 3 # 3 bytes (24 bits) per pixel

   # Read the image data into a NumPy array
   data = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint8, count=width*height*bpp)

# Reshape the image data array into a 2D array of RGB values
data = data.reshape(height, width, bpp)

# Edit the image data as needed
data = 255 - data # Invert the RGB values

# Write the edited image data to a new raw image file
with open('image_edited.raw', 'wb') as f:
612 chars
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gistlibby LogSnag