full japanese kana alphabet in python

To print the full Japanese Kana alphabet in Python, you can use the unicode characters for each character. Here is an example code block:

# Set the starting and ending unicode values for the katakana and hiragana characters
start_katakana = 0x30A0
end_katakana = 0x30FF
start_hiragana = 0x3040
end_hiragana = 0x309F

# Print the full katakana alphabet
for i in range(start_katakana, end_katakana+1):
    print(chr(i), end=' ')


# Print the full hiragana alphabet
for i in range(start_hiragana, end_hiragana+1):
    print(chr(i), end=' ')
413 chars
16 lines

This code sets the starting and ending values of the unicode characters for both the katakana and hiragana alphabets. It then uses a for loop to iterate through each character between these values and print it to the console. chr() is a Python built-in function that returns the character corresponding to the given unicode value.

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