In Python, you can check if a value is truthy by using a conditional statement or the bool() function. Here is an example:
# Using a conditional statementvalue = "Hello"if value:
print(f"{value} is truthy")
# Using the bool() functionvalue = 10ifbool(value):
print(f"{value} is truthy")
# Truthy values in Pythontruthy_values = [True, "Hello", 10, [1, 2, 3], {"a": 1}, (1, 2, 3), {"apple", "banana"}]
for value in truthy_values:
if value:
print(f"{value} is truthy")
# Falsy values in Pythonfalsy_values = [False, 0, "", [], {}, (), set()]
for value in falsy_values:
ifnot value:
print(f"{value} is falsy")