how to i create a dynamic website code in python

To create a dynamic website using Python, you can use a web framework like Flask. Flask is a microframework that allows you to build web applications quickly and easily.

Here's a simple example of how to create a dynamic website using Flask:

  1. Install Flask using pip:
pip install flask
18 chars
2 lines
  1. Import Flask and create a new app:
from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)
47 chars
4 lines
  1. Define a route that returns some dynamic content:
def hello():
    name = 'John'
    return f'Hello, {name}!'
76 chars
5 lines

In this example, the hello function returns a greeting with a dynamic name.

  1. Run the app:
if __name__ == '__main__':
41 chars
3 lines

This will start the server and allow you to access the website at http://localhost:5000/.

You can then add more routes and templates to build a complete dynamic website. Flask provides many features for handling requests, rendering templates, and working with databases, making it a great choice for web development in Python.

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