implement nullish coalescing in python

The nullish coalescing operator provides a concise way to check for null or undefined values in JavaScript. While Python doesn't have the nullish coalescing operator, we can use a ternary operator to achieve similar functionality.

Here's an example of how to implement nullish coalescing in Python:
# using ternary operator to implement nullish coalescing in Python
value = None  # value that may be null or None

result = value if value is not None else "default value"
print(result)  # "default value"

value = "some value"
result = value if value is not None else "default value"
print(result)  # "some value"
314 chars
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In the code above, we check if value is not None using the is not comparison operator. If value is not None, then result is assigned the value of value. If value is None, then result is assigned the default value of "default value".

This provides us with a way to achieve nullish coalescing-like behavior in Python using the ternary operator.

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