ploting the path in map in python

To plot a path on a map in Python, you can use the folium library which is great for building interactive maps.

Here is an example code that shows you how to plot a path on a map using folium:
import folium

# create map object
m = folium.Map(location=[45.5236, -122.6750], zoom_start=13)

# create list of coordinate pairs for the path
path = [[45.5236, -122.6750], [45.5244, -122.6699], [45.5234, -122.6628], [45.5215, -122.6587]]

# add markers for the start and end points
folium.Marker(location=path[0], icon=folium.Icon(color='green')).add_to(m)
folium.Marker(location=path[-1], icon=folium.Icon(color='red')).add_to(m)

# add polyline for the path
folium.PolyLine(locations=path, color='blue').add_to(m)

# display map
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18 lines

In this example code, we create a map object using folium.Map() and specify the initial zoom level and location. We then define a list of coordinate pairs for the path and add markers for the start and end points using folium.Marker(). Finally, we add a polyline for the path using folium.PolyLine().

When you run this code, it will generate an interactive map in the output with the plotted path. You can pan and zoom the map, and click on the markers for the start and end points to see more information.

gistlibby LogSnag