print green digital rain with japan symbols in loop in python

Here's an example code that prints green digital rain with Japanese symbols. The program first generates a random Japanese symbol and a random green color for each column, then prints it continuously in a loop.
import random
import time

# Function to generate a random Japanese symbol
def random_japanese_symbol():
    # Generate a random integer between 0x3040 and 0x30FF
    code_point = random.randint(0x3040, 0x30FF)
    # Convert the integer to a Unicode symbol
    return chr(code_point)

# Loop forever
while True:
    # Generate 80 random symbols and colors
    symbols_and_colors = [(random_japanese_symbol(), '\033[92m') for _ in range(80)]
    # Print each symbol in a different color
    for symbol, color in symbols_and_colors:
        print(f"{color}{symbol}", end='')
    print('\033[0m')  # Reset the color to default
    time.sleep(0.1)  # Wait for 0.1 seconds before next loop
685 chars
20 lines

The program uses the random module to generate a random Japanese symbol using the random_japanese_symbol() function. It then generates a random green color for each column using the ANSI escape code \033[92m, which sets the color to green. Finally, it prints each symbol in its corresponding color and adds a small delay between each loop using the time.sleep() function.

gistlibby LogSnag