run anonymous ftp server in background in python

To run an anonymous FTP server in the background using Python, we will use the Twisted library which provides a framework for writing event-driven network servers.

The first step is to install Twisted using pip:
pip install twisted
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Next, we will write the code to start the FTP server. The following code creates a Twisted FTP server with anonymous authentication and starts it in the background as a daemon process:
from twisted.protocols.ftp import FTPFactory, FTPRealm
from twisted.cred.portal import Portal
from twisted.cred.checkers import AnonymousChecker
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.application import service, internet

# Define the FTP realm
ftp_realm = FTPRealm(home='.')

# Create a portal with anonymous authentication
portal = Portal(ftp_realm, [AnonymousChecker()])

# Create an FTP factory with the portal
ftp_factory = FTPFactory(portal)

# Create a Twisted service and add the FTP factory to it
ftp_service = service.MultiService()
internet.TCPServer(21, ftp_factory).setServiceParent(ftp_service)

# Start the FTP server in the background as a daemon process
application = service.Application('anonymous_ftp')
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In this code, we define an FTP realm which is the root directory for the server. We create a portal with anonymous authentication and add it to a Twisted FTP factory. The FTP factory is then added to a Twisted service which is started in the background as a daemon process using the setServiceParent() method.

To run this code, save it to a file (e.g. and run it using the twistd command:
twistd -n -y
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The -n option runs the server in the foreground (rather than as a daemon), and the -y option specifies the Python file to use as the Twisted application.

gistlibby LogSnag