show driving path in python

To show a driving path in Python, you can use the GoogleMaps API with the googlemaps library.

Here is a sample code that demonstrates how to show the driving path between two locations using GoogleMaps API:
import googlemaps

# Replace the API key with your own key
gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key='YOUR_API_KEY')

# Specify the origin and destination addresses
origin = 'San Francisco, CA'
destination = 'Los Angeles, CA'

# Get the directions using the API
directions_result = gmaps.directions(origin, destination, mode="driving")

# Extract the polyline points from the result
points = []
for step in directions_result[0]['legs'][0]['steps']:
    points += googlemaps.convert.decode_polyline(step['polyline']['points'])

# Display the polyline points on a Google Map using gmplot library
from gmplot import gmplot

# Specify the center of the map
center_lat, center_lng = (37.7749, -122.4194)

# Create the map plot
gmap = gmplot.GoogleMapPlotter(center_lat, center_lng, zoom=8)

# Draw the polyline on the map
lats, lngs = zip(*points)
gmap.plot(lats, lngs, 'blue', edge_width=5)

# Save the map as an HTML file
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33 lines

In this code, YOUR_API_KEY should be replaced with your own GoogleMaps API key. The code first gets the directions between two locations using the directions() method of the gmaps object. It then extracts the polyline points from the result and displays them on a Google Map using the gmplot library. Finally, it saves the map as an HTML file named map.html.

gistlibby LogSnag