show location name in python

To show the location name in Python, you will need to use a geocoding service or an API that provides location data. Here is an example using the Geopy library:

  1. Import the geopy library
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
38 chars
2 lines
  1. Initialize the geolocator
geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="my-application")
52 chars
2 lines
  1. Use the geolocator to get the location address
location = geolocator.reverse("latitude, longitude")
address = location.raw['address']
87 chars
3 lines

The latitude and longitude can be obtained from a GPS device or any other source of location data. Once you have the address variable, you can extract the location name from it depending on the format of the address.

Here is an example of how to print the location name using the Geocoding API from Google:
import requests
URL = f''
params = {'latlng': 'latitude,longitude', 'key': API_KEY}
response = requests.get(URL, params=params).json()
result = response['results'][0]
location_name = result['formatted_address']
306 chars
9 lines

Replace YOUR_API_KEY with your actual API key from Google Cloud Console. This code will use the latlng parameter to get the address from the API based on the latitude and longitude coordinates provided. The location name is extracted from the formatted_address field of the first returned result.

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