speech to text in python in python

To perform speech-to-text in Python, we can use the SpeechRecognition library. Here's an example code:

import speech_recognition as sr

# Initialize recognizer
r = sr.Recognizer()

# Load audio file
audio_file = sr.AudioFile('path/to/audio/file.wav')

# Open audio file
with audio_file as source:
    # Read audio data
    audio = r.record(source)

# Perform speech recognition
text = r.recognize_google(audio)

# Print recognized text
345 chars
19 lines

In this example, we first initialize the recognizer object from the SpeechRecognition library. Then, we load our audio file using the AudioFile object and read the audio data using the record method.

Next, we pass the audio data to the recognize_google method of the recognizer object, which performs speech-to-text recognition using Google Speech Recognition API.

Finally, we print the recognized text.

gistlibby LogSnag