user interface for variable srednee_arifm in python in python

To create a user interface for inputting and displaying the value of the variable srednee_arifm in Python, you can use the built-in input() and print() functions as shown below:
# Prompt user to input value for srednee_arifm
srednee_arifm = input("Please enter the value of srednee_arifm: ")

# Convert input to float (assuming srednee_arifm is a decimal number)
srednee_arifm = float(srednee_arifm)

# Display the value of srednee_arifm back to the user
print("The value of srednee_arifm is:", srednee_arifm)
332 chars
9 lines

The input() function prompts the user to enter a value for srednee_arifm, which is then stored as a string in the srednee_arifm variable. We then convert the string to a float using the float() function, assuming that srednee_arifm is decimal number.

Finally, we use the print() function to display the value of srednee_arifm back to the user.

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