way path in map in python

To find a path on a map in Python, one way is to use a geolocation service (such as GeoPy) to get the coordinates for the start and end points. Then, you can use a mapping service (such as Folium or Google Maps) to display the map with a path marked between those points.

Here is an example using GeoPy and Folium:

from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
import folium

# Get latitude and longitude for starting location
geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="my-app")
start_location = geolocator.geocode("New York City")
start_coords = (start_location.latitude, start_location.longitude)

# Get latitude and longitude for ending location
end_location = geolocator.geocode("Los Angeles")
end_coords = (end_location.latitude, end_location.longitude)

# Create map object with starting point as center
map_path = folium.Map(location=start_coords, zoom_start=4)

# Create path between starting and ending points
path = folium.PolyLine(locations=[start_coords, end_coords], weight=5)

# Add path to map

# Display map
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24 lines

This will display a map with a path marked between New York City and Los Angeles. You can modify the starting and ending locations as needed.

gistlibby LogSnag