write a splunk query to determine user activity in dbconnect in python

To determine user activity in dbconnect using a Splunk query in Python, you can use the following search command:

| rest /services/datainputs/jdbc/
| fields title, recent_metadata
| eval activity = case(
    isnull(recent_metadata.latest_input_time), "No recent activity",
    now() - strptime(recent_metadata.latest_input_time, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3N%z") < 86400, "Active",
    1==1, "Inactive"
| table title, activity
308 chars
9 lines

This query searches for all data inputs in Splunk and retrieves their titles and recent metadata. The eval command is then used to create an activity field, which uses a case statement to determine if the input has had recent activity, is currently active within the past day, or is inactive. Finally, the table command is used to display the results in a table with the input title and its activity status.

gistlibby LogSnag