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dataframe code snippets in r
bind matching rows of two dataframes and keep unmatching columns in r
count the number of duplicate rows per value in a specific column in r
create a dataframe from csv file in r
create a loop based on columns varaibles in r
create a loop in specific columns from a dataframe in r
create a new column from a dataframe that returns the minimum number in another column and ignores na in r
create two dataframes and then join them by column variable in r
divide row by another row if it is a certain comun in r
divide value in a tabble based on side column in r
export csv in dataframe, remove specific rows and column in r
export df as csv in r
filter a dataframe by columns name pirate and actor in r
filter a dataframe from a specific value in a column in r
import an api from a third party into a dataframe in r
join two dataframe and match by a common column in r
maak een dataframe met jaar van 2015 tot 2023 in r
order a dataframe by a column that matches a vector in r
pivot a dataset in r
recode some rows of dataframe in r
remove columns in a dataframe in r
remove columns in a df based on a pattern inside the columns names in r
remove specific columns in a dataframe in r
select all the col in df exept the last in r
select columns from a df in r
sort a dataframe according to a specfic variable pattern in r
sort one column of characters by the order of another column in another dataframe in r
when patterns of numbers match in two columns replace the second column with the value in the first in r
by LogSnag