dplyr code snippets in r

add a column with the same value in r
calculate overlap date in r
calculate the mean by group in r
calculate the mean by group with missing data in r
change one value in dplyr in r
change the order of columns in r
combins two datasets in r
create a dataset with 2 sets of coordinates in latitude and longitude in 4 columns. then using st_as_sf convert these into 2 different geometry columns, and then join them together in r
create a function with mutate in r
create a loop tidyverse in r
create sub dataframe according to columns values in r
divide alternating rows in table in r
divide value in a tabble based on side column in r
dplyr filter multiple columns for unique value in r
dplyr left join without middle names in r
dplyr remove prefix column names in r
dplyr rename first character all column names in r
dplyr rename prefix column names in r
drop variables in r
duplicate every row in a table and add a suffix with dplyr in r
filter a dataframe from specific variable value superior to in r
filter a dataframe rows based on multiple values from a specific column in r
filter nycflights13 by month in r
find kth most common elements in tidyverse in r
find smallest number by group in r
get candidate join columns in r
group by then summarize in r
how do i divide table collumns in r
how to filter a correlation matrix in r
how to rollmean in r
in a dataframe where the concentration column goes 10, 5, 2, 1 repeatedly, reverse the order of the concentration column in r
isolate most common in r
load the dplyr and palmerpenguis. create ggplot with body mass and filpper length, use species for color in r
make a dataset different sets of coordinates in 4 different columns, then in longitude and latitude format, then using st_as_sf convert these into 2 geometry columns in r in r
move a column in r
mutate a column via its name in r
plot a graph of g against income with three colours for each race. in r
read all files in a directory into a data frame, with a column recording filename using tidyverse in r
remove mutltiple columns from a df in r
remove a column in a df with a special name in r
remove column 'a' and 'c' from a df in r
remove specific columns in a dataframe in r
removing column from a df with their names in r
reverse the order of a column of a tibble using tidyverese in r
select all the col in df exept the last in r
select all the ol in a df exept the last 2 in r
sort a dataframe according to a specfic variable pattern in r
subset of variable whose names contain pattern in r
summarize all variables by group in r
summarize list of variables by group in r
summarize multiple variables by group in r
summarize variables by group in r
tidyverse overlap 90 percent column values in r
to this tibble `csmib_lag1` add the column `date` from this tibble `csmib` as a date index, hence it should be the first column of `csmib_lag1` in r
when row value matches in 2 columns of data, replace the value in the second column with the value in the first column in r
z score by group in r

gistlibby LogSnag