fix : `def convert(n) res = ''; nums = [3, 5, 7]; sounds = %w[pling plang plong]; nums.each |i| { (n % nums[i]).zero? ? res += sounds[i] : (res == '' ? n.to_s : "") } end res end in ruby

The provided code has a syntax error. The error occurs because of incorrect syntax in the each loop. The correct syntax for the each loop in Ruby is array.each do |element|. Additionally, there is an issue with the placement of the res variable and the return statement.

Here's the corrected code:

def convert(n)
  res = ''
  nums = [3, 5, 7]
  sounds = %w[pling plang plong]
  nums.each do |i|
    (n % nums[i]).zero? ? res += sounds[i] : (res == '' ? n.to_s : "")
190 chars
12 lines

In the corrected code, I've changed the each loop syntax to nums.each do |i|. Also, I've moved the res variable declaration outside of the loop and added a return res statement at the end of the method.

This should fix the syntax error and the method will return the desired res value.

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