how do i convert this to an array of strings: `[0, [0, 1], {foo: 0}] * ', '` in ruby

To convert the given object to an array of strings in Ruby, you can use the Array#join method. Since the object contains a nested array and a hash, we need to convert them to strings before joining them.

Here's an example of how you can convert [0, [0, 1], {foo: 0}] to an array of strings:

arr = [0, [0, 1], {foo: 0}]

# Convert the nested array and hash to strings
str_arr = { |element| element.to_s }

# Join the elements using ', '
joined_str = str_arr.join(', ')

puts joined_str
202 chars
10 lines

This will output:

"0, [0, 1], {:foo=>0}"
23 chars
2 lines

Now, joined_str is an array where each element is converted to a string and joined using ', ' as the delimiter.

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