how to change method name with alias? in ruby

In Ruby, you can change the name of a method by creating an alias. This can be useful when you want to give a more descriptive or readable name to an existing method. To alias a method, you can use the alias keyword followed by the new name and the original method name.

Here's an example:

class MyClass
  def original_method
    # method implementation

  alias new_method original_method

obj =
obj.original_method # Call the method using the original name
obj.new_method      # Call the method using the alias (new) name
256 chars
12 lines

In the above code, we define a class MyClass with an original_method. We then create an alias new_method for original_method. Now, we can use either obj.original_method or obj.new_method to call the same method.

Keep in mind that method aliases are bound to the object they are aliased on. If you create an instance of MyClass and call new_method, it will execute the same code as original_method. However, if you create a different instance of the same class, it won't have the alias.

Method aliasing can be handy when refactoring or improving code readability by providing more intuitive or meaningful method names.

Note: In Ruby 2.0 and later versions, the alias keyword is deprecated, and you can use the alias_method method instead. The syntax for alias_method is slightly different, so make sure to consult the documentation for the specific Ruby version you are using.

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