in ocaml, i ran this caml program: `x + 2 where x = 34` why did it fail? in ruby

In OCaml, the expression x + 2 where x = 34 will cause a syntax error. The correct syntax for defining variables and performing addition in OCaml is different from Ruby.

To achieve the desired result in OCaml, you can follow these steps:

  1. Define the variable x with a value of 34.
  2. Add 2 to x using the + operator.
  3. Print the result.

Here is an example of how you can achieve this in OCaml:

let x = 34 in
let result = x + 2 in
print_int result;;
55 chars
4 lines

This will output 36, as expected.

Please note that the syntax and semantics of programming languages can vary significantly, so the way you write code in one language may not necessarily work in another language.

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