what does (&:even?) replace? can i use (&:) everywhere as iteraror? in ruby

The (&:even?) syntax in Ruby is a shorthand for calling the even? method on each element of an array or collection.

For example, suppose we have an array of numbers [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and we want to select only the even numbers. We can achieve this using the select method and the (&:even?) syntax:

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
even_numbers = numbers.select(&:even?)
65 chars
3 lines

This is equivalent to:

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
even_numbers = numbers.select { |number| number.even? }
82 chars
3 lines

So, (&:even?) replaces the block that would be passed to the select method and calls the even? method on each element.

This shorthand syntax can only be used with methods that take a single argument and don't have any side-effects. So, you cannot use (&:) everywhere as an iterator. It is specific to certain methods that expect a block.

However, you can use it with other iterator methods like map, reduce, and each, as long as the method you are calling on each element satisfies the criteria mentioned above.

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
squared_numbers = numbers.map(&:**) # equivalent to numbers.map { |number| number ** 2 }

sum = numbers.reduce(&:+) # equivalent to numbers.reduce { |sum, number| sum + number }

numbers.each(&:print) # equivalent to numbers.each { |number| number.print }
282 chars
7 lines

In summary, (&:even?) is a shorthand syntax to call a method on each element of an array or collection, and it can be used with certain iterator methods that expect a block.

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