write me this program: "if they printed a brown band (value 1) followed by a green band (value 5), it would translate to the number 15." in ruby

You can write a program in Ruby to achieve your desired logic using conditional statements. Here's an example:

def translate_bands_to_number(bands)
  brown_band = 1
  green_band = 5

  if bands.include?(brown_band) && bands.include?(green_band)
    number = brown_band.to_s + green_band.to_s
    return number.to_i
    return nil

# Example usage
bands = [1, 5]
number = translate_bands_to_number(bands)
puts "Translated number: #{number}" if number
356 chars
17 lines

In this example, we define a method translate_bands_to_number that takes an array of bands as input. The method checks if the array includes both a brown band (value 1) and a green band (value 5). If both bands are present in the array, it concatenates the values as strings and converts the resulting string to an integer. Finally, it returns the translated number.

You can call this method on different band combinations and print the translated number if it is not nil.

Note: The program assumes that the input bands will always be in an array.

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