array of every state in the us, but only the first for characters of the state’s name in typescript

To create an array of US states with only the first four characters of each state's name in TypeScript, you can start by creating an array of all states with their full names. Then, use the .map() method to create a new array with only the first four characters of each state name.

const usStates: string[] = [
  // and so on...

const abbreviatedStates: string[] = string) => state.slice(0, 4));

// Output: ["Alab", "Alas", "Ari", "Arka", "Cal", "Colo", ...]
317 chars
15 lines

In the code above, we first created an array usStates containing all the US states. Then, we used the .map() method to create a new array abbreviatedStates, where each element is the first four characters of each state name. The .slice() method is used to extract the first four characters of each state name. Finally, we logged the resulting array to the console.

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