format a number for canadian dollar in french in typescript

To format a number for Canadian dollar in French, you can use the toLocaleString method with the appropriate options. Here's an example code snippet:

const amount: number = 1234.56;
const formattedAmount: string = amount.toLocaleString('fr-CA', {
  style: 'currency',
  currency: 'CAD',
  currencyDisplay: 'symbol',
console.log(formattedAmount); // Output: 1 234,56 $
222 chars
8 lines

In this example, we provide the fr-CA locale identifier to format the number according to the French language and Canadian customs. We also specify the currency option as CAD to format the number as Canadian dollars, and the currencyDisplay option as symbol to display the currency symbol ($). The resulting string is 1 234,56 $.

Note that the toLocaleString method may not be supported in some browsers or environments. You can use a library like numeral.js or accounting.js as an alternative.

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