how to use the combinelatest function from the rxjs library in typescript

combineLatest is an RxJS operator that combines the latest values of multiple observables into an array or an object.

To use combineLatest in TypeScript, you first need to import it from the RxJS library:

import { combineLatest } from 'rxjs';
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Then, you can use it with one or more observables like this:

import { combineLatest, Observable } from 'rxjs';

const observable1: Observable<number> = ...;
const observable2: Observable<string> = ...;

const combinedObservable = combineLatest([observable1, observable2]);

combinedObservable.subscribe(([latestValueFromObservable1, latestValueFromObservable2]) => {
  // Do something with the latest values of the observables
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In this example, we created two observables of different types (number and string), and then combined them using combineLatest to create a new observable combinedObservable.

When combinedObservable emits, the subscribe callback function receives an array of the latest values from the observables. We can then destructure this array to get the latest values from each observable and do something with them.

Note that combineLatest also works with more than two observables – you can pass an array of observables of any length to the function.

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