how to use the formatduration function from the date-fns library in typescript

To use the formatDuration function from the date-fns library in TypeScript, first install the library by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install date-fns
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Then, you can import the formatDuration function from the library in your TypeScript file as follows:

import { formatDuration } from 'date-fns';
43 chars
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The formatDuration function takes a duration object as its argument and returns a formatted duration string in the form of Xh Ym Zs, where X, Y, and Z are placeholders for the hours, minutes, and seconds, respectively.

Here's an example TypeScript code snippet that uses the formatDuration function to format a duration:

import { formatDuration } from 'date-fns';

const duration = {
  hours: 2,
  minutes: 30,
  seconds: 45

const formattedDuration = formatDuration(duration);

console.log(formattedDuration); // output: "2h 30m 45s"
217 chars
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In this example, we create a duration object with 2 hours, 30 minutes, and 45 seconds. We then pass this object to formatDuration to obtain a formatted duration string, which we log to the console.

gistlibby LogSnag